Clinical Immunology Society

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B Cell Enumeration and/or Extended Phenotyping

CHCO- Immunology Lab
Comprehensive B cell phenotyping: Reports percentages of the following CD19+ B cells: naïve (CD27-IgD+), total non-class switched memory (CD27+IgD+), class-switched memory (CD27+IgD-), CD21low, transitional (IgM+CD38+), plasmablasts (IgM-CD38++), IgM only CD27+ B cells, IgM+IgD+ CD27+ B cells, IgM-IgD- class-switched CD27+ B cells
Test code(s): LAB9066

B Cell Phenotyping

B cell Number. Reports percentage and absolute number of B cells. Memory B cells. Reports percentages of B cells that are switched memory (CD27+ and IgD-), unswitched memory (CD27+ and IgD+), and naive (CD27- IgD+). CVID Panel. Reports CD19+ CD21low CD38low B cells, Transitional B cells (CD24hi CD38high), Plasmablasts (CD24low CD38high), and Marginal zone like B cells (CD24high CD38 low).
Test code(s):
Immunodeficiency screen panel includes percentages and absolute numbers of T cells, B cells, NK cells, TNK (CD3+16/56+), CD3+4+, CD3+8+, DNT (CD3+4-8-), CD4/CD8 ratio, Naïve B cells (CD19+IgD+CD27-), Memory non-class switched B cells (CD19+IgD+CD27+), Memory class switched B cells (CD19+IgD-CD27+), Naïve Helper T cells (CD3+4+CD45RA+CD27+), Terminally Differentiated Helper T cell (CD3+4+45RA+27-), Central Memory Helper T cell (CD3+4+45RA-27+), Effector Memory Helper T cell (CD3+4+45RA-27-), Naïve Cytotoxic T cells (CD3+8+CD45RA+CD27+), Terminally Differentiated Cytotoxic T cell cell (CD3+8+45RA+27-), Central Memory Cytotoxic T cell (CD3+8+45RA-27+), Effector Memory Cytotoxic T cell (CD3+8+45RA-27-). CD45RA/CD45RO also assessed.
Test code(s): Test code(s): IDEF
B Cell Panel: Reports several Immature, Transitional, Naïve, Memory, and Class-Switched Memory B cell populations, and also Plasma-Blast populations.
Test code(s):

CD4+ Recent Thymic Emigrants

CD4+ T-Cell Recent Thymic Emigrants (RTEs). Reports percentage and absolute numbers of CD4+CD31+CD45RA+ (RTEs). By Quantitative Flow Cytometry.
Test code(s): 2010179
Immunophenotyping of Recent Thymic Emigrants, which reports: CD4+CD31+CD45RA+Recent Thymic Emigrants.
Test code(s): RTE Panel
Reports the % and absolute count of CD3+CD4+CD45RA+CD31+ recent thymic emigrants.
Test code(s): RTE
CD45RA/RO panel includes evaluation of CD31 expression as a marker of recent thymic emigrants.
Test code(s): CD45RA/RO
CHCO- Immunology Lab
Naïve, memory and recent thymic emigrant T cell panel: Reports percentage of naïve (CD45RA+), memory (CD45RO+), recent thymic emigrants (CD4+CD31+), effector memory (CD45RA-CCR7-), central memory (CD45RA-CCR7+), TEMRA (CD45RA+CCR7-) CD4 and CD8 T cells, and CD4+CD31+ recent thymic emigrants
Test code(s): LAB849
The percentages and absolute numbers of lymphocytes that are newly formed CD4+ cells with following phenotypes of CD4+CD45+RA+ cells: CD3+4+/RA+RO+, CD3+4+/RA+/CD31+ and CD3+4+/RA+62L+ are reported.
Test code(s): T Cell Subsets (Memory and Naïve)
Reports the percentage of CD4+ 45RA+ CD31+ T cells.
Test code(s): CD4RT; #89504
Naïve/memory T lymphocyte subsets: CD4+CD45RO+, CD4+CD45RA+, CD4+CD45RA+ CD31+, and CD8+ CD45RA+ CCR7+ (naïve), CD8+CD45RA-CCR7+ (CM), CD8+CD45RA-CCR7- (TEM), CD8+CD45RA+CCR7- (TEMRA).
Test code(s): CD45RA/CD4, CD45RA-31/CD4, CD45RO/CD4, CD45RA/CD8, CD45RA-31/CD8, CD45RO/CD8
Identifies RTEs using a 4-color panel: CD3/CD4/CD45RA/CD31. Reports percentages.
Test code(s): CD4RTE

Lymphocyte Subset Enumeration

Natural Killer Cells Enumeration: The results reported are the percentage of lymphocytes that are Natural killer (NK) cells and the absolute count of NK-cells per µL of blood. Only those cells that express CD45 and either CD16 or CD56 (or both) but not CD3 or CD19 are reported. By Quantitative Flow Cytometry.
Test code(s): 0092404
Lymphocyte Subset Panel 3: T-Cell Subsets (CD4 and CD8), Absolute Counts Only. By Quantitative Flow Cytometry. Reported; Abs CD3, CD4, CD8, and abs CD4:CD8 ratio.
Test code(s): 0095853
Lymphocyte Subset Panel 1: CD4 Absolute Count Only. Reported; abs CD4. By Quantitative Flow Cytometry.
Test code(s): 0095854
Lymphocyte Subset Panel 2: CD4 Percent and Absolute. Reported; % CD4, and Abs CD4. By Quantitative Flow Cytometry.
Test code(s): 0095885
Lymphocyte Subset Panel 5: Total Lymphocyte Enumeration. Reported; % CD3, abs CD3, % CD4, abs CD4, % CD8, abs CD8, CD4: CD8 ratio, % CD19, abs CD19, % NK-cells, abs NK-cells. By Quantitative Flow Cytometry.
Test code(s): 0095892
Isolated Panel for T cells (Monitoring post ATG): Lymphocyte Transplantation CD3. Reported: WBC (K/µL), % Lymph, Absolute Lymph Count, %CD3, abs CD3. By Quantitative Flow Cytometry.
Test code(s): 0095949
Lymphocyte Subset Panel 4: T-Cell Subsets Percent and Absolute. Reported; %CD3, abs CD3, %CD4, abs CD4, %CD8, abs CD8, CD4:CD8 Ratio. By Quantitative Flow Cytometry.
Test code(s): 0095950
Analysis of lymphocytes populations, which reports: The percentages and absolute numbers of lymphocytes that are CD3+ (Total T cells), CD3+CD4+ (T helper cells), CD3+CD8+ (T cytotoxic cells), CD4:CD8 ratio, CD3-CD19+ (B cells), CD-CD16/56+ (NK cells).
Test code(s): Lymphocyte Subsets or T/B/NK Panel
Immunodeficiency screen panel includes percentages and absolute numbers of T cells, B cells, NK cells, TNK (CD3+16/56+), CD3+4+, CD3+8+, DNT (CD3+4-8-), CD4/CD8 ratio, Naïve B cells (CD19+IgD+CD27-), Memory non-class switched B cells (CD19+IgD+CD27+), Memory class switched B cells (CD19+IgD-CD27+), Naïve Helper T cells (CD3+4+CD45RA+CD27+), Terminally Differentiated Helper T cell (CD3+4+45RA+27-), Central Memory Helper T cell (CD3+4+45RA-27+), Effector Memory Helper T cell (CD3+4+45RA-27-), Naïve Cytotoxic T cells (CD3+8+CD45RA+CD27+), Terminally Differentiated Cytotoxic T cell cell (CD3+8+45RA+27-), Central Memory Cytotoxic T cell (CD3+8+45RA-27+), Effector Memory Cytotoxic T cell (CD3+8+45RA-27-). CD45RA/CD45RO also assessed.
Test code(s): IDEF
The percentages and absolute numbers of lymphocytes that are T cells (CD3+), T-helper (CD3+, CD4+), T-cytotoxic (CD3+, CD8+), natural killer (CD16+CD56+, CD3-), and B lymphocytes (CD19+) are reported.
Test code(s): Lymphocyte Subsets
CHCO- Immunology Lab
TBNK: Reports percentages and absolute counts of CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, CD19+ and CD16/56+ lymphocytes (CBC required).
Test code(s): LAB7755
T Cell Subsets: Reports percentage and absolute counts of CD3+, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells (CBC required)
Test code(s): LAB7756
CD3: Reports percentage and absolute counts of CD3+ T cells (CBC required)
Test code(s): LAB7758
T cell Extended panel: The percentages and absolute numbers of lymphocytes that are CD3+ (Total T cells), CD3+CD4+ (T helper cells), CD3+CD8+ (T cytotoxic cells), CD4:CD8 ratio, CD3-CD19+ (B cells), CD-CD16/56+ (Natural Killer (NK) cells), and CD3+ HLA-DR+ (Activated T cells) are reported.
Test code(s): T-Cell Extended
T cell Standard panel: The percentages and absolute numbers of lymphocytes that are CD3+ (Total T cells), CD3+CD4+ (T helper cells), CD3+CD8+ (T cytotoxic cells), CD4:CD8 ratio, and CD3+ HLA-DR+ (Activated T cells) are reported.
Test code(s): T-Cell Standard
The percentages and absolute numbers of lymphocytes that are T cells (CD3+), T-helper (CD3+, CD4+), T-cytotoxic (CD3+, CD8+), natural killer (CD16+CD56+, CD3-), and B lymphocytes (CD19+) are reported.
Test code(s): TBBS; #9336
AT4 Panel: CD3, CD4, CD8, CD14, CD45 To monitor patient's individual CD4 and CD8 T cell populations. Panel is routinely used in determining therapeutic considerations for HIV+ patients. Reports percentages and absolute numbers of lymphocytes that are T cells (CD3+ Total T Cells), T-helper (CD3+, CD4+) and T-cytotoxic (CD3+, CD8+).
Test code(s): AT4
PID1 Panel: CD3, CD4, CD8, CD16, CD56, CD19, CD14, CD45. Reports percentages and absolute numbers of lymphocytes that are T cells (CD3+ Total T Cells), T-helper (CD3+, CD4+), T-cytotoxic (CD3+, CD8+), natural killer (CD56+), (CD56+, CD3-), (CD56+, CD3+), and (CD56+, CD16+), and B lymphocytes (CD19+). A CD4:CD8 ratio is also reported.
Test code(s): PID1
PPID2 Panel: CD3, CD4, CD8, CD45RA, CD45RO, CD16, CD56, CD19, CD14, CD45, HLA-DR. Reports percentages and absolute numbers of lymphocytes that are T cells (CD3+), T-helper (CD3+, CD4+), T-cytotoxic (CD3+, CD8+), natural killer (CD56+), (CD56+, CD3-), (CD56+, CD3+), and (CD56+, CD16+), and B lymphocytes (CD19+). T Cell subset percentages reported are activated T cells (HLA-DR+CD4+) and (HLA-DR+CD8+), T cell memory (CD4+CD45RA+) and (CD4+CD45RO+). A CD4:CD8 ratio is also reported.
Test code(s): PID2
Lymphocyte subset phenotyping by quantitative flow cytometry: B lymphocyte subsets CD19+, CD19+CD27+, CD19+CD20+.
Test code(s): CD19, CD27/CD19, CD20
Lymphocyte subset phenotyping by quantitative flow cytometry: NK cells: CD3-CD56+.
Test code(s): CD3 (-) CD56 (+)
Lymphocyte subset phenotyping by quantitative flow cytometry: T lymphocytes: CD3+, CD3+CD4+, CD3+CD8.
Test code(s): CD3, CD4, CD8
Lymphocyte Subset (T, B, NK Cells) Quantitation in Bronchoalveolar Lavage – This is a flow cytometric lymphocyte subset quantitation (CD45+ ALC, CD14 for monocyte exclusion, CD3+, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, CD19/20+ B cells, CD16/56+ NK cells, CD4:CD8 ratio, CD3+CD4-CD8- DNT cells. This test is useful for the evaluation of patients with primary immunodeficiencies (inborn errors of immunity), patients undergoing solid-organ transplantation (during induction and post-transplant monitoring), patients undergoing hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) for assessment of immune reconstitution and competence, patients receiving immunomodulatory therapies, and any clinical context where a more detailed lymphocyte subset evaluation is needed (outside a CBC + differential). Results are typically reported within 24-48h from receipt of sample in the laboratory.
Test code(s): TBNKBL
CD3/4/8: The percentages and absolute numbers are reported.
Test code(s): CD3SB
CD4/8: The percentages and absolute numbers are reported.
Test code(s): CD48
Individual markers - CD4: The percentage and absolute number are reported.
Test code(s): CD4M
Individual markers - CD16/56: The percentage and absolute number are reported.
Test code(s): NKMK
Lymphocyte Phenotyping Panel: CD3+, CD3+/CD4+, CD3+/CD8+, CD16/56 and CD19+. CD4/CD8 ratio reported. The percentages and absolute numbers are reported.
Test code(s): TBCDC
CD3/4/8/19: The percentages and absolute numbers are reported.
Test code(s): TBSBS
Lymphocyte subset uses CD3, CD4, CD8, CD19, CD16, and CD56. Report includes percentages and absolute counts. CD4 to CD8 ratio is also reported.
Test code(s): TnB
Both the T-cell memory and the B-cell panels include a basic panel for lymphocyte enumeration, which reports the percentages and absolute numbers of T cells (CD3+), T-helper (CD3+, CD4+), T-cytotoxic (CD3+, CD8+), CD4:CD8 ratio, natural killer (CD16+CD56+, CD3-), and B lymphocytes (CD19+), followed by an advanced panel to identify (i) T-memory: naïve (CD45RA+/CD45RO-) and Memory (CD45RA-/CD45RO+) CD4+ and CD8+ T cells; (ii) B-cell: Memory (CD27+), IgM Memory (CD27+IgM+IgD-), Unswitched Memory (CD27+IgM+IgD+), Switched Memory (CD19+CD27+IgD-IgM-) and Immature (CD21low) CD19+ B cells.
Test code(s): T-MEM or B-CELL

Lymphocyte/T cell Activation

Panel 1: CD3+4+ T cells are assessed for surface expression of CD154, CD69, HLA-DR, CD143, CD25, CD71, and CD96 pre and post PMA/Ionomycin stimulation. Panel 2: CD8+ T cells are assessed for expression of CD45RO and HLA-DR primarily for use in investigation of Omenn’s Syndrome or HLH. Antigen density of CD5 on CD3+8+ cells is also reported for HLH investigations.
Test code(s): LAM
Measures CD4+ T cell surface expression of CD69, CD25, CD154, CD134, CD95, CD71, and HLA-DR.
Test code(s): Lymphocyte Activation Markers
CHCO- Immunology Lab
Lymphocyte and T cell proliferation to PHA. Flow cytometry based assay. Reports percentage of proliferating CD45+ lymphocytes and CD3+ T cells in response to 3 concentrations of PHA
Test code(s): LAB9101
T Cell Activation Panel. The following populations are reported in percentages: CD25+CD3+/CD3, DR+CD3+/CD3, CD69+CD3+/CD3, CD134+CD3+/CD3, CD25+CD4+/CD3, DR+CD4+/CD3, CD69+CD4+/CD3, CD134+CD4+/CD3.
Test code(s): T Cell Subsets Activated T
The T cell phenotyping assay includes evaluation of activated (CD4+25+ and MHC class II-positive) CD4+ and CD8+ T cells.
Test code(s): TCP; #89319
T cell activation panel: Includes CD4, CD8, CD69, and CD25 at 4 hours and 4 days after activation to measure early and late activation events:
Test code(s): TCACT
Sainte Justine Hospital: Percentages of activated T cells for HLA class II DR expression on CD3+, CD3+CD4+, and CD3+CD8+ by flow cytometry.
Test code(s): HLA class II/CD3, HLA class II/CD4, HLA class II/CD8

Monocyte and Dendritic Cell Phenotyping

Dendritic Cell and Monocyte Enumeration. This test enumerates plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDC), myeloid dendritic cells (mDC), and classical monocytes. It can be used as part of the diagnostic assessment of patients suspected of defects in innate immunity, particularly those in monocyte and dendritic cell development, which can manifest in isolation or as part of a broader clinical phenotype.
Test code(s): DCME
Monocyte Subset Quantitation – Monocytes reflect the monocyte/macrophage or mononuclear phagocytes in circulation. The majority of CD14high cells found in human blood are classified as classical monocytes while a very minor population (in healthy controls) of cells express low CD14 and high CD16 and are described as non-classical monocytes. The population between these two are referred to as the transitional subset. It is useful to quantitate and evaluate monocyte subsets in the context of certain primary immunodeficiencies (inborn errors of immunity) where such cell populations are clinically informative. Monocyte subsets can also be skewed in the context of severe infection, HIV-1 infection, therapy with steroids and other immunomodulatory agents, and are critical regulators of inflammation. There is also some evidence that the absolute count of transitional monocytes can predict cardiovascular events. Monocyte subsets in blood varies substantially during life from the neonatal period into adulthood.
Test code(s): MOSQN

NK Cell Phenotyping

Natural Killer Cells Enumeration. The results reported are the percentage of lymphocytes that are Natural killer (NK) cells and the absolute count of NK-cells per µL of blood. Only those cells that express CD45 and either CD16 or CD56 (or both) but not CD3 or CD19 are reported. By Quantitative Flow Cytometry.
Test code(s): 0092404
Natural Killer Cell and Natural Killer T-Cell Panel. The panel reports frequencies and absolute cell counts of NK and NKT-cells, also including T and non-T cells: CD3-CD16-/+CD56bright/dim (total NK-cells), CD3-CD16+CD56dim (cytotoxic NK-cells), CD3-CD16-CD56bright (cytokine secreting NK-cells), CD3-CD57+ (CD57+NK-cells), CD3+CD56+ (CD56+ NKT-cells), CD3+CD57+ (CD57+ NKT-cells), CD45+CD3+ (T-cells) and CD45+CD3- (Non T-cells).
Test code(s): 2013805
Immunophenotyping of Natural Killer cells which reports: percentages of CD56 high NK cells, CD56+CD16+ NK cells, and CD56-CD16 + NK cells.
Test code(s): NK Cell Phenotype
Pergra Panel includes: CD3, CD4, CD8, CD56, CD16, CD19, CD14, CD45, Perforin, Granzyme B Perforin and Granzyme B expression in CD56+/CD16+ and CD56+/CD16- cells.
Test code(s): PERGRA
NK Cell Subset Quantitation – This test is for quantitation of the 2 major NK cell subsets in blood - cytotoxic NK cells and cytokine-producing NK cells. Useful for evaluation of patients with primary immunodeficiencies (inborn errors of immunity), in the context of hematopoietic cell transplantation and any clinical context where the distribution of these two NK cell subsets in blood is required. This test does not assess for NK cell receptors.
Test code(s): NKSQN

NKT cell Subsets (including invariant NKT cells)

The percentage and absolute count of CD3+ TCRvalpha24+ TCRvbeta11+ iNKT cells is reported.
Test code(s): INKT
Quantification of TCRValpa24 and TCR Vbeta 11 expression on invariant NKT cells.
Test code(s): iNKT
Quantification of MAIT (Va 24 Vb 11) and iNKT (Va 24 Vb 11) cells.
Test code(s): NKT

Regulatory T Cell Analysis and/or FOXP3 Expression

Regulatory T-Cell Panel. Reported: Percent and absolute numbers of CD4+ CD25+ CD127Low (Tregs), and CD45RA and CD45RO also included in the panel. By Quantitative Flow Cytometry.
Test code(s): 2010172
Immunophenotyping of Regulatory T cells, which reports: CD4+CD25+CD127+ T cells, CD4+CD25highCD127low T cells.
Test code(s): Treg Panel
Reports the % and absolute count of Tregs determined by CD3+ CD4+ lowCD127+ and CD25+.
Test code(s): TREG
Quantifies the percent of T regs (CD25+ CD127 lo) as a percentage of the CD4+ T cells, and quantifies the percentage of T regs, which express FOXP3.
Test code(s): FoxP3
CHCO- Immunology Lab
Regulatory T cells: Reports percentage of CD3+CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ T cells and mean fluorescence intensity of FoxP3
Test code(s): LAB9111
Regulatory T-Cell (T Reg). Percent of CD4+ CD25+ CD127dim is reported.
Test code(s):
Identifies percentages and absolute numbers of CD4+CD25+CD127loCD45RO+ (Nat Tregs) and CD4+CD25+CD127loCD45RA+ Naive Tregs.
Test code(s): TREGS; #89318
Percentages of regulatory T cells: CD4+ CD25high CD127- Foxp3+ by flow cytometry.
Test code(s): FOXp3
National Jewish Health using a 4-color panel, CD3/4/CD25/ FoxP3, gating on CD25highFoxP3+ cells. Reports percentages.
Test code(s): FOXP3
Regulatory T-Lymphocytes uses CD4, CD25, CD127, and FoxP3. Percentages are reported.
Test code(s): FoxP3

T Cell Phenotyping (Naïve T Cells, Memory T Cells, Recent Thymic Emigrants/Extended Phenotyping)

Lymphocyte Subset Panel 6: Total Lymphocyte Enumeration with CD45RA and CD45RO. Reported; %CD3, abs CD3, % CD4, abs CD4, % CD45RA, abs CD45RA, % CD45RO, abs CD45RO, % CD8, abs CD8, CD4:CD8 Ratio, % CD19, abs CD19, % NK-cells, abs NK-cells. By Quantitative Flow Cytometry.
Test code(s): 0095862
Lymphocyte Subset Panel 7: Congenital Immunodeficiencies. Reported; %CD2, abs CD2, % CD3, Abs CD3, %HLA-DR, abs HLA-DR, % CD4, abs CD4, % CD45RA, Abs CD45RA, % CD8, abs CD8, CD4: CD8 ratio, % CD19, abs CD19, % NK-cells, abs NK-cells. By Quantitative Flow Cytometry.
Test code(s): 0095899
Immunophenotyping of Naïve and Memory T cells, which reports: TEMRA CD4+CD45RA+CCR7-T cells, Naïve CD4+CD45RA+CCR7+T cells, Effector memory CD4+CD45RA-CCR7-T cells, Central memory CD4+CD45RA-CCR7+T cells, TEMRA CD8+CD45RA+CCR7-T cells, Naïve CD8+CD45RA+CCR7+T cells, Effector memory CD8+CD45RA-CCR7-T cells, Central memory CD8+CD45RA-CCR7+T cells.
Test code(s): T Cell Memory Panel
Immunodeficiency screen panel includes percentages and absolute numbers of T cells, B cells, NK cells, TNK (CD3+16/56+), CD3+4+, CD3+8+, DNT (CD3+4-8-), CD4/CD8 ratio, Naïve B cells (CD19+IgD+CD27-), Memory non-class switched B cells (CD19+IgD+CD27+), Memory class switched B cells (CD19+IgD-CD27+), Naïve Helper T cells (CD3+4+CD45RA+CD27+), Terminally Differentiated Helper T cell (CD3+4+45RA+27-), Central Memory Helper T cell (CD3+4+45RA-27+), Effector Memory Helper T cell (CD3+4+45RA-27-), Naïve Cytotoxic T cells (CD3+8+CD45RA+CD27+), Terminally Differentiated Cytotoxic T cell (CD3+8+45RA+27-), Central Memory Cytotoxic T cell (CD3+8+45RA-27+), Effector Memory Cytotoxic T cell (CD3+8+45RA-27-). CD45RA/CD45RO also assessed.
Test code(s): IDEF
CD45RA/RO Assay. Reports percentages of naïve, central memory, effector memtory, and TEMRA CD4+ and CD8+ populations using a combination of markers including CD45RA, CD45RO, CCR7, and CD27. Also reports CD31 expression as a marker of recent thymic emigrants.
Test code(s):
CHCO- Immunology Lab
Naïve, memory and recent thymic emigrant T cell panel: Reports percentage of naïve (CD45RA+), memory (CD45RO+), recent thymic emigrants (CD4+CD31+), effector memory (CD45RA-CCR7-), central memory (CD45RA-CCR7+), TEMRA (CD45RA+CCR7-) CD4 and CD8 T cells, and CD4+CD31+ recent thymic emigrants
Test code(s): LAB849
T follicular helper cells (Tfh): Reports percentage of CD3+CD4+CXCR5+ T cells
Test code(s): LAB9410
Naïve T Cell Subsets. The percentages and absolute numbers of lymphocytes that are newly formed CD4+ cells with following phenotypes of CD4+CD45+RA+ cells: CD3+4+/RA+RO+, CD3+4+/RA+/CD31+ and CD3+4+/RA+62L+ are reported.
Test code(s): T cell Subsets (Memory and Naïve)
Quantitates naïve (global and CD62L+), memory (global, central, and effector memory), and activated (CD4+25+ and MHC class II-positive) CD4+ and CD8+ T cells using antibodies directed against CD3, CD4, CD8, CD45RO, CD45RA, HLADR, CD27, CD62L, CD25, and CD28.
Test code(s): TCP; #89319
CVID Panel:CD3, CD4, CD8, CD16, CD56, CD19, CD21, CD27, IgD, HLA-DR, CD45RA, CD45RO, CD14, CD45. Reports percentages and absolute numbers of lymphocytes that are T cells (CD3+), T-helper (CD3+, CD4+), T-cytotoxic (CD3+, CD8+), natural killer (CD56+), (CD56+, CD3-), (CD56+, CD3+), and (CD56+, CD16+), and B lymphocytes (CD19+). T Cell subset percentages reported are activated T cells (HLA-DR+CD4+) and (HLA-DR+CD8+), T cell memory (CD4+CD45RA+) and (CD4+CD45RO+). A CD4:CD8 ratio is also reported. Reports percentage and absolute number of CD19+ as well as percentages of B cell subsets.
Test code(s): CVID
PID2 Panel: CD3, CD4, CD8, CD45RA, CD45RO, CD16, CD56, CD19, CD14, CD45, HLA-DR. Reports percentages and absolute numbers of lymphocytes that are T cells (CD3+), T-helper (CD3+, CD4+), T-cytotoxic (CD3+, CD8+), natural killer (CD56+), (CD56+, CD3-), (CD56+, CD3+), and (CD56+, CD16+), and B lymphocytes (CD19+). T Cell subset percentages reported are activated T cells (HLA-DR+CD4+) and (HLA-DR+CD8+), T cell memory (CD4+CD45RA+) and (CD4+CD45RO+). A CD4:CD8 ratio is also reported
Test code(s): PID2
Naïve/memory T lymphocytes: CD4+CD45RO+, CD4+CD45RA+, CD4+CD45RA+CD31+/ CD8+CD45RA+CCR7+ (naïve), CD8+CD45RA-CCR7+ (CM), CD8+CD45RA-CCR7- (TEM), CD8+CD45RA+CCR7- (TEMRA).
Test code(s): CD45RA/CD4, CD45RA-31/CD4, CD45RO/CD4, CD45RA/CD8, CD45RA-31/CD8, CD45RO/CD8
National Jewish Health runs a memory and naïve T cell panel that includes CD3/4/CD45RA/CD45RO.
Test code(s): C4RARO
Naïve/memory T-Lymphocyte subset uses CD3, CD4, CD8, CD45RA, and CD45RO. Percentages are reported.
Test code(s): CD45RARO
The T-cell memory panel includes a basic panel for lymphocyte enumeration, which reports the percentages and absolute numbers of T cells (CD3+), T-helper (CD3+, CD4+), T-cytotoxic (CD3+, CD8+), CD4:CD8 ratio, natural killer (CD16+CD56+, CD3-), and B lymphocytes (CD19+), followed by an advanced panel to identify naïve (CD45RA+/CD45RO-) and Memory (CD45RA-/CD45RO+) CD4+ and CD8+ T cells.
Test code(s): T-MEM

TCR V Beta Repertoire

T-Cell Clonality by Flow Cytometry Analysis of TCR V-beta. Quantitates 24 alpha-beta T cell antigen receptors.
Test code(s): 0093199
Provides % and graphic representation of 24 vbeta repertoire antigens on CD3, CD3+4+ and CD3+8+ subsets.
Test code(s): TCR FLOW
Quantitates 24 antigens of the TCR V β repertoire of T lymphocytes.
Test code(s): TCR V Beta Repertoire
TCR V Beta Repertoire. Quantitates 24 V Beta TCR family receptors in total CD3, CD4, and CD8 T-cell subsets.
Test code(s):
See Molecular Tests: TCR Vb Spectratyping
Test code(s):
Percentages of TCR Vb repertoire (flow cytometry) in CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Test Code: V Beta 2/CD4, V Beta 2/CD8, 6 V Beta /CD4, 6 V Beta /CD4
Test code(s):
See Molecular Tests: TCR Vb Spectratyping
Test code(s):

TCR α/β - TCR γ/δ

Immunophenotyping of γδ and CD4-CD8- αβ T cells, which reports: CD3+CD4-CD8-TCR alpha/beta T cells, CD3+TCR gamma/delta T cells. See also ALPS panel.
Test code(s): ALPS Panel
Reports the % and absolute count of TCRα/β and TCRγ/δ positive T cells:
Test code(s): TCRABGD
Quantifies the percentages of T cells expression α/β TCR and γ/δ TCR.
Test code(s): TCR α/β TCR γ/δ
CHCO- Immunology Lab
TCRαβ and TCRγδ subsets: Reports percentage of TCRαβ and TCRγδ T cells
Test code(s): LAB7755
Quantifies the percentages of T cells expression α/β TCR and γ/δ TCR.
Test code(s): TCR α/β TCR γ/δ
Percentages of TCR α/β /CD3 and TCR γ/δ /CD3.
Test code(s): TCR α/β TCR γ/δ /CD3
Quantifies the percentages of TCRα/β and γ/δ T cells.
Test code(s): TCABGD
T-lymphocyte TCR subset uses CD3, CD4, CD8, TCRα/β, and TCRγ/δ. Percentages are reported.
Test code(s): TCR